
Sunday 16 October 2011

Drawing Class

Last week we had a traditional drawing class at Uni, just to remind us all of the basics. After studying Illustration for a year now, i have noticed that myself and others are becoming very stylised when drawing. This can be an advantage obviously, but it was nice to have a couple of hours going back to drawing in a fairly realistic way, and taking our time on drawings with traditional methods, rather than quickish, stylised illustration images.

The basis of the class was fairly standard: to bring in an toy and draw it. I brought in the crocheted Yoda toy my sister in law made for me. If you are interested in crocheted toys and patterns please check out her page at

The first exercise was to draw our toy several times, each drawing on top of the one before, and from a different angle, with a different form of mark making. Here is the image i created:

Secondly, we were asked to put all our objects onto a table in the centre to create a toy mountain and then to draw the mound of toys, trying to capture the space and depth between them. We were asked to do this by choosing our toy as a starting point and working outwards in any direction without worrying about finishing each toy and to not be afraid to let it become an abstract image.

And finally, the last exercise was to draw the toy mountain again, but this time, the table was covered and uncovered over the course of the drawing with a sheet, to allow our memories to fill in some of the information.

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