
Tuesday 18 October 2011


Our latest project at Uni has been to create a series of images to animate using a zoetrope. A zoetrope is like a slide show, kind of... you put your sequence of still images into the spinning device, and as it spins it gives movement to the work and creates a film-like viewing. It was the earliest form of cinema. Our theme for the project was flying, and i chose to animate an FMX rider doing a jump. I will record the zoetrope animating my sequence next time i get the chance to use it, but in the meantime i have tested my sequence of images out using digital means.. by animating it in iMovie. Here's the result so far.

Its a very short sequence as our zoetrope only requires a series of around 15 images, and it loops it from there. In this video i have looped it 3 times to give the viewer a bit more of a chance to take in the movement.

Im pretty pleased with is so far, although i hope to have time to render it further by possibly making it longer, adding shading/background to the work and making the loop more fluid.

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