
Wednesday 5 October 2011

Sequential Imaging

The first project of my second year at Uni has been on sequential imaging. We have made our own small concertina comic books, which stemmed from images we found in newspapers/magazines.
The image i started with was of a girl looking scared so i decided to progress from this by introducing birds as the fear factor, and then exaggerating this idea with the big bird in the middle, then solve the problem by having the girl whistle for her dog who barks and scares the birds away.
All these elements came from images from the newspapers/magazines i had, and so the initial storyboard was a mixture of collage and doodles. We were able to make the sequence as abstract as we like and were limited on the text we could use. The words 'be still' also had to be included in the sequence.
Im actually very very happy with my outcome as i think the transition from a collage piece of work to a digital image has been pretty successful. I would have liked longer to work on the digital outcome as some parts of it are still a bit rough, but it was supposed to be a quick turnover project and so i am still happy with the outcome i produced within the deadline.

From the bottom to the top shows the stages of creating this image.

Final Outcome, with ribbon to wrap around book.

Line Drawing scanned.

Original Collage

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