
Monday 28 March 2011

Postcard Research: text in imagery

These images are from Ben and Andy's powerpoint presentation, I'm starting my research with them as they all stood out to me and gave me ideas straight away when Andy showed us the powerpoint. They are also 4 different examples of relationships between text and images.

The image above is the kind of style i've always admired but never really had the confidence to attempt, it's like some sort of 'advanced doodling'. I love the limited colour palette and the simplicity of the lines used. However, the main reason I'm looking at it as part of my research, is the seamless way the text is involved in the images. The colour scheme may be part of what holds the two elements together so well, but I think it's also to do with the placement of the words and the way in which they are almost drawn 'as images' rather than text... ie. the lines used are the same and the letters are all individual shapes rather than a joined-up word.

Here is an example of text which is completely literally part of the image. Here the tree's branches make up the letters of the title of the book. It is very cleverly done, and beautiful too, the words really do look like they're made of twigs! I like this effect of words being so subtly and sensitivly introduced into an image. It is probably what i will attempt for my image also.

This however is the complete opposite... the image is ALL about the text. The word is the focus of the image but has been intricately decorated and designed so as to work as an image itself. It is all about the colours and shapes here rather than a drawing or picture, it is very digital and smooth. I love the overall look, and think it would be a perfect style for a lot of promotional posters and advertising etc. My only thinking with this brief is that as i am not overally confident with making digital art, i might struggle to create something of high enough quality to pull off this purely digital style.

And finally, an image made entirely of text! A very clever and stand-out style! Something I would love to have a go at creating. Here i think the image is made out of many words, but if i was to use this way of working, I would simply use the one word i had chosen from my brief over and over again. It might be interesting to experiment with the colours and fonts of the word as well as the size and weights which have been explored in this image.

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