
Monday 28 March 2011

Ben and Andy Do a Postcard

For Ben and Andy's workshop, we have been asked to create a postcard which depicts a particular word. The postcard must contain both text and image (of course... as it is part of our 'Should Legibility be a Consideration?' module...) but the relationship between the text and image is up to us.

An important stage in this brief is for us to digitalise the image... it should be worked on in Illustrator at some point, although it can originate from a hand-rendered image. Illustrator scares me... i have just about grasped how to use it to prepare an image for the laser cutter, anymore complicated than that and i struggle desperately... ie.colour, shading etc. And it has been a long time since the discoveries i made when drawing my Andy's Ark chameleon. So... we shall see how this goes!

I will definitely be hand-rendering the 3 thumbnail ideas for this project, simply for speed more than anything. Doing them quickly by hand should allow me to spend more time experimenting with Illustrator on my chosen idea. The 3 thumbnails can be either: sequential images or abstract pieces.

The list of words I have to choose from are:

Nervous Energy
Joyful Energy

The words that immediately inspire me, even in the slightest, are highlighted. I can imagine pieces based on the words 'Femininity/Masculinity' could be quite comical, and play on the idea of gender stereotypes and roles. 'Peace/tranquility' could allow me to create some very subtle images which i imagine to contain a lot of colours but few lines, and finally 'Hope/Fear' are both emotional words which could lead to quite 'deep' images full of meaning.

Now... I think it's time for some research...

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