
Sunday 27 November 2011

Great Editorial Race

We have started a new module which is basically one big game. The class has been split into small groups and we have all been set the same 10 editorial briefs to distribute as we choose between the members of our group. There are staggered deadlines over the next 3 weeks as each brief is due in. All the entries for each brief will be judged against each other by the powers that be, and then the group that submitted the winning entry will win hypothetical money. There are fines for any group missing a deadline without submitting an entry. The group with the most money at the end of the 10 briefs will win a prize.

Here is some of the work i produced for an article on artichokes:

I started by drawing the outline of an artichoke by hand in pen, and then scanned it into illustrator to get a bold outline, which i then coloured digitally using photoshop. I spent hours colouring it. I am still fairly new to photoshop, and am building up my skills and knowledge of the program slowly. It still takes me a while to achieve the effects that i intend to, and to create the complexity of colours and shades in the image below took a loonnnggg time. I coloured each leaf individually and used a reference photograph to pick colours up from in the hopes of making it very true to life.

Above is my original outcome, then below are edited versions with different filter effects. I was unsure which of the versions i preferred, and so posted them all on our team's blog and they made the final decision by vote. 

The filter above gives a very 'graphic' feel to the image by separating the colours into sections. It looks quite comic-book like. 

Final Entry.

This was the filter that my team liked the most, although i'm not sure if it is my favourite or not. Overall i'm extremely pleased with the outcome of this brief though. I surprised myself with how much patience i had to experiment with photoshop, and how quickly i could turn out an illustration.

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