
Tuesday 4 October 2011

Year 2

So i'm back at University, Year 2, hoping to be much more focused and dedicated to churning out work, updating my blog, and hopefully making some money along the way. I have a few bits of work from over the summer holidays to upload, and also the first University project. I have been concentrating a lot on working digitally lately and trying to build up my confidence in working in Photoshop. I also have a bit of a business plan in the pipework: i am intending to set up an Etsy shop with a couple of my coursemates in the immediate future, and start selling or work. We all have different and varied creative skills which we hope will make our shop successful. I personally intend to try and create illustration based products such as gift cards, wrapping paper, prints, calendars, playing cards etc etc. However me and Sophie will also make jewellery, sketchbooks, boxs, badges and all sorts of other 3d products. Right, enough babbling, lets upload some images.

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