
Thursday 26 May 2011


So here is my feedback from Work Based Learning which is basically all the boring stuff here on my blog such as my cv, and investigating self promotion etc. But i have done quite well in it so i am pleased and wanted to keep a note of this feedback. :)

Your evaluation of three online self promotion strategies is a well written piece which does well to introduce your own thoughts and
feelings to each website. You have studied the sites at various functional, aesthetic and professional levels.
Health and Safety Quiz completed.
In depth notes and good reflection considering relation to personal and future practice. Well done.
Good attempt has been made to identify some pros/cons of the 3 job roles.
Research conducted into potential career opportunities. Well annotated and reflected upon
A thorough written report. You have done well to identify your motives for coming to study illustration, and where you wish to operate
after you have completed your studies. Well done.
There is no comparison between them however and this could have drawn some interesting thoughts.
Well structured and maintained blog. Would be effective to introduce personal illustration work.
Appropriately presented CV containing your skills and qualifications correctly.
Although your poster design may be improved upon, it was a brilliant idea. Development to that point has been well considered. Good.
Action Notes:
You have some broad interests in the illustration industry, and this project could have been a great opportunity to identify some specific
areas of interest. Review some of the job roles and begin to find some work experience within them.
Keep the Skills Timeline up to date. You are learning tons of new stuff at the moment, so think of how this will affect your goals.
Your grade is currently: 60

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