
Thursday 26 January 2012

Tessellating Fish

Original tessellation grid:

Fish design based on shape:

Colouring them in:

Tessellation Complete.

Tessellating Foxes

Here is the grid i started off with to create my fox tessellations:

I then used the basic shape to create my fox outline:

I then experimented with colouring it:

Then i tried to fit the foxes into each other to create the tessellation, although they dont fit perfectly, i filled the blanks with black to keep it looking neat.

This is my final tessellation.

And it can be repeated over and over again to cover a larger area. 

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Tessellating Animals

For my new project at Uni i am creating a range of paper-based goods to be sold later on in the year. I want to come up with an interesting, eye-catching and completely original design, or set of designs to be screen printed onto gift cards, postcards, bookmarks, wrapping paper etc.

For some reason i came up with the idea of tessellating animals. It took me a while to research how this works, and the symmetry of it... but after a while i came up with this initial experiment.

This is a random shape i have created and tessellated..

I thought it looked a bit like an octopus?

I then coloured it using a limited colour palette. (each sucker was drawn on individually!!)

I then tried putting a grainy filter over the image..

Somehow while messing around on Photoshop i also came up with this which i quite like:

It's 2012

So, 18 days into the New Year and i felt i'd better get a post up sharpish! We are now working on a new project at Uni, mine being to create a series of paper-based, hand-illustrated goodies to sell. At the same time, I am working on an entry for the Puffin Design Award 2012. The brief for this is to design a fresh, modern cover for a new edition of Grimm's Fairy Tales. So, lots going on really. I shall have some initial experiments and designs up on here by the end of the week so please check back soon. :)

Sunday 11 December 2011

Final entry for the Great Editorial Race

After reading through the last article, i had a really strong idea in my head for an outcome. Unfortunately the idea in my head did not translate well into reality. I imagined playing on the idea of a 'SuperBain' and having an illustration of a brain wearing a super hero's cape. I thought it might be possible to have the cape flowing back underneath the title of the magazine to make full use of the space. However, this did not work well at all, and so i was forced to simplify the image by purely using the superhero type logo on top of the brain.

 As i was unsure about how successful the image was, i also worked up a second idea using electricity coming from the brain as electricity is mentioned in the article. Overall, i am still not 100% with either image and could do with a few more days of development time, however editorials are fast paced and i will have to submit one of these ideas as they are.

It has been a good learning curve over this project to experience the real pace of editorial jobs, and hopefully over time i will be able to work faster and develop things further within a short deadline.